Sunday, August 5, 2012


Well, here goes my initial post on my new and first Voice Studio Blog.

As my students (and family, much to their displeasure) well know, when it comes to talking about singing, I can go on and on and on... I always tell my students that my path to becoming happy with my own singing was a long and arduous one. Nevertheless, painful though it was, I am grateful for the extra years it took me. I know that the struggles along that path make me a better teacher today. Because of all that I have learned (and continue to learn), I find myself fascinated by the voice and how it works. I am fascinated by the physics of it (the way that respiration and vocal cord adduction and laryngeal positioning, etc. have so much to do with vacuum pressure for example), and the way our ears can hear certain sounds and our brains can then almost miraculously command our bodies to reproduce those sounds (or put more simply, our ability to mimic). It is all a beautiful, miraculous and scientific process.

I hope here, over the next months and years to explore the technical issues, and so many others (philosophical, emotional, etc.) that we singers engage in day to day. I welcome comments and questions. I would like to make this an interactive site for myself, my students and any interested lovers of singing.

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